Resume | Job Search | Interview
Resume Writing Resources
Job Market Tools and Strategies
Interview Preparation and Skills
RESUME | Candidates in the job market will need to submit a resume in their behalf. This document highlights your experience, education, and skills. It is a promotional piece that presents you in terms of your most relevant qualities.
LETTERS | Cover letters, networking letters, introduction letters, and follow-up letters are all necessary for professionals in the job market. Your correspondence is an important part of your presentation.
INTERVIEWS | Candidates will need to be able to present themselves in a job interview using good verbal and interpersonal communication skills. It is critical that you are able to respond to questions effectively and present information about yourself in a positive and promotional way.
ETIQUETTE | Candidates in the job market must have a good understanding of professional etiquette and protocol. Your attire, conversation, behavior, and interaction must be appropriate for a professional setting.
NETWORKING | Candidates seeking professional opportunities must know how to use effective prospecting and networking techniques. To be successful, you need to be able to conduct extensive research, organize your resources, and manage your campaign.
To Schedule an Appointment:
Telephone: 205-665-6262
Location: Farmer Hall | Second Floor
Resume Writing Resources
Job Market Tools and Strategies
Interview Preparation and Skills
Skills Employers Value
College Experience | Extracurricular Activities
Real World | Adulting
Special Job Market and Workplace Issues
Job Loss and Career Transitions
Job and Internship Postings
Handshake | Student and Employer Database
Career Success
“Conducting a successful job search isn’t simple, nor does it begin when you suddenly find yourself in need of a job. The search requires ongoing preparation — and a lot of commitment, hard work, risk-taking and luck. The trick isn’t just to get a job, but to get a job that fits you. The job search isn’t simply a matter of who will hire you now, but of what career path you’ll pursue.”
-Christopher Pratt
Successful job seeking requires aggressive action. It requires a significant investment of time, money, energy and ego. It requires hard work. To survive in today’s highly competitive and rapidly changing job market, you will need the right attitude, the right mental approach, the right preparation and a new set of survival skills. You will need… A good understanding of yourself and the right job for you… Knowledge of types of jobs and what they require… A method to help you choose and plan long-term career goals… Knowledge of effective job-seeking skills… And how to succeed on the job once you have it.
Resume Writing Resources
Job Market Tools and Strategies
Interview Preparation and Skills
Career Coaching
The UM Career Development Center offers professional career coaching and resources regarding your preparation for the job market. We provide resume samples, resume critiques, interview preparation tools, mock interviews, employments leads, and contact information.
“Looking for a job is hard work, but the really hard part isn’t so much the specific things you have to do throughout the course of a job search — the calls you make, the research you do, the interviews you go on, and so forth. The hard part is dealing with all the pressures — psychological, family, and financial — that often arise during the course of a job search. The truth is, you don’t need innate talent or highly specialized skills to conduct a successful job search. You simply need to be able to do a lot of the things you already know how to do in a focused, disciplined, and systematic way.”
-Max Messmer
Resume Writing Resources
Job Market Tools and Strategies
Interview Preparation and Skills
Skills Employers Value
College Experience | Extracurricular Activities
Real World | Adulting
Special Job Market and Workplace Issues
Job Loss and Career Transitions
Job and Internship Postings
Handshake | Student and Employer Database
To Schedule an Appointment:
Telephone: 205-665-6262
Location: Farmer Hall | Second Floor